Control Break Cisco

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Cisco switches can be used as plug-and-play devices out of the box but they also offer an enormous amount of features. Although the main purpose of the switch is to provide inter-connectivity in Layer 2 for the connected devices of the network, there are myriad features and functionalities that can be configured on Cisco Switches.

Control Break on a Switch (packet tracer 5.3) hi everyone! I m trying to get into ROMMON in a switch Cisco WS-C2950T-24 (using PT) but the Ctrl+C is not working (as at the router) also i tried Ctr+Pause and Ctrl+Alt+6, Ctrl +Supr. Back in late 1995, a non-Cisco source had released a program that was able to decrypt user passwords (and other type of passwords) in Cisco configuration files. This new program was a major headache for Cisco since most users were relying on Cisco's equipment for their repulation of strong encryption and security capabilities.

In the following Cisco Switch Commands Cheat Sheet, I have tried to include the most important and frequently-used CLI commands that Cisco professionals encounter in real world networks. I know that the list is not exhaustive but I believe that the most useful commands are included. Make sure to download the whole commands cheat sheet in PDF format below so you can print it or save it on your computer for future reference.

NOTE: Other Cisco Command Cheat Sheet Posts:

The following commands will work on most Cisco switch models such as 4500, 3850, 3650, 2960, 3560 etc.

Verification Commands:

TestSwitch#show version

[Displays software and hardware information]

TestSwitch#show running-config

[Displays currently running configuration in DRAM]

TestSwitch#show start

[Displays configuration in NVRAM which will be loaded after reboot]

TestSwitch#show flash:

[Displays Flash memory information]

TestSwitch#show boot

[Displays boot path and image]

TestSwitch#show clock

[Displays the system clock]

TestSwitch#show interfaces

[Displays all interfaces configuration and status of line]

TestSwitch#show vlan

[Displays vlan number, name, status and ports associated with it]

TestSwitch#show vtp status

[Displays VTP mode, Number of existing vlans and config revision]

TestSwitch#show interface status

[Displays interface status, vlan, Duplex, Speed and type]

TestSwitch#show etherchannel

[Displays etherchannel information]

TestSwitch#show cdp neighbors

[Displays information of connected devices]

TestSwitch#show cdp neighbors detail

[Displays detailed information of connected devices]

TestSwitch#show mac address-table

[Displays current MAC address forwarding table and which MAC is learned on each switch port]

TestSwitch#show spanning-tree

[Displays spanning-tree state information, which interfaces are in active or blocking state etc]

Resetting the Switch

TestSwitch#delete flash:vlan.dat

[Deletes vlan database from flash memory so you can start adding new VLANs from scratch]

TestSwitch#erase startup-config

[Delete start-up file from NVRAM]


[Reboot the Switch]

Setting Host Names

TestSwitch#config t

[Entering into Global Configuration Mode]

TestSwitch(config)#hostname MySwitch

[Enter the hostname of the switch]


Setting login credentials:

Youtube to mp3 reddit. MySwitch(config)#username admin password csico1234

[create username and password for logging in to the switch]

MySwitch(config)#enable secret test1

[Sets encrypted secret password using MD5 algorithm. This is the enable password that you will be asked to enter when trying to enter into 'enable' mode]

MySwitch(config)#service password-encryption

[Encrypt all the passwords using MD5]

Console Access:

MySwitch(config)#line con 0

[Enter into line console mode]

MySwitch(config-line)#password test3

[Set password on console]


[Enable password checking on console]

SSH/Telnet Access to the switch:

MySwitch(config)#line vty 0 4

[Enters line vty mode for all five virtual ports]

MySwitch(config-line)#transport input ssh

[Enable SSH]

MySwitch(config-line)#transport input telnet

[Enable telnet]

MySwitch(configiline)#password test3

[Set password]

Setting IP Address (To allow remote access to the switch):

MySwitch(config)#interface vlan1

[Enters vlan1, the native vlan]

MySwitch(config-if)#ip address

[Set IP address for management]


MySwitch(config)#ip default-gateway

[Exit path for the switch – gateway IP]

Interface description

MySwitch(config)#interface g0/1

MySwitch(config-if)#description TO SERVER

Duplex and Speed Settings

MySwitch(config)#interface g0/1

MySwitch(config-if)#speed 10

[Force 10Mbps Speed]

MySwitch(config-if)#speed 100

[Force 100Mbps Speed]

MySwitch(config-if)#speed auto

[Enable auto speed configuration]

MySwitch(config-if)#duplex auto

[Enable auto duplex configuration on switch port]

MySwitch(config-if)#duplex full

[Enable full duplex configuration on switch port]

MySwitch(config-if)#duplex half

[Enable half duplex configuration on switch port]

Setting Web-based interface for configuration (GUI):

MySwitch(config)#ip http server

[Enable HTTP server]

MySwitch(config)#ip http port 80

[Set port number for HTTP]


MySwitch(config)#interface g0/1

Wondershare filmora offline activation key. [Enter the interface to set port-security]

MySwitch(config-if)#switchport port-security

[Enable port security on the interface]

MySwitch(config-if)#switchport port-security mac-address sticky

[Interface converts all MAC addresses to sticky secure addresses]

MySwitch(config-if)#switchport port-security maximum 1

[Only one MAC address will be allowed for this port]

MySwitch(config-if)#switchport port-security violation shutdown

[Port will shut down if violation occurs]



MySwitch#show port-security

[Verifying Port security]

Save current configuration

MySwitch(config)#copy running-config startup-config


'Portfast' bypasses the Spanning Tree states and brings the port up as quickly as possible. Use it only if you connect a regular host (e.g Computer) on the port. Do not use this command when the port is trunk or if you connect other switches on the specific port.

MySwitch(config)#interface FastEthernet 0/1

Control Break Cisco Router

MySwitch(config-if)#spanning-tree portfast

Configuring VLANs

MySwitch(config)#vlan 20

[Create a Layer2 VLAN with id 20]

MySwitch(config-vlan)# name testvlan

[Enter a name for the vlan]




MySwitch#show vlan brief

[Verify the vlan database]

Assigning access ports to a vlan

MySwitch(config)#interface g0/1

MySwitch(config-if)#switchport mode access

[Set the interface in switch access mode]

MySwitch(config-if)#switchport access vlan 20

[Assign the port to vlan 20]


The following commands will select a range of interfaces (from 1 to 24) and add all of them to vlan20

MySwitch(config)#interface range gigabitEthernet 0/1-24

MySwitch(config-if)#switchport mode access

MySwitch(config-if)#switchport access vlan 20


Configuring trunk port

MySwitch(config)#interface g0/2

MySwitch(config-if)#switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q

[Configure the port to support 802.1Q Encapsulation (default is negotiate)]

MySwitch(config-if)#switchport mode trunk

[Set the interface in permanent trunking mode]

MySwitch(config-if)#switchport trunk native vlan 20

[Specify native vlan for 802.1q trunks – OPTIONAL]

MySwitch(config-if)#switchport trunk allowed vlan 2-5

[vlans 2 to 5 are allowed to pass through the trunk]

MySwitch(config-if)#switchport trunk allowed vlan add 7

[add also vlan 7 in the allowed vlans]

MySwitch(config-if)#switchport trunk allowed vlan remove 3

[remove vlan 3 from the allowed vlans in the trunk]

MySwitch#show interface g0/2 trunk

[Verify the trunk ports and associated vlans on the specific interface]


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This document provides standard break key sequence combinations for the most common operating systems, and some tips on how to troubleshoot problems.

The Electronic Industries Association RS-232 logic level uses +3 to +25 volts to signify a Space (Logic 0) and -3 to -25 volts for a Mark (logic 1). A break signal is when the data line remains in the space condition for a specified duration, usually 100 ms to ½ second. All characters begin with a start bit and end with a stop bit (and also a parity bit or two). The level condition of the start and stop bits is always opposite. So, no character combination can look like the break signal. A break signal enables you to access a ROM Monitor on Cisco IOS® devices when a password recovery is necessary.



Cize shaun t free download. There are no specific requirements for this document.

Components Used

This document is not restricted to specific software and hardware versions.

The information in this document was created from the devices in a specific lab environment. All of the devices used in this document started with a cleared (default) configuration. If your network is live, make sure that you understand the potential impact of any command.


Refer to Cisco Technical Tips Conventions for more information on document conventions.

Standard Break Key Combinations

Software Platform Operating System Try This
Hyperterminal IBM Compatible Windows XP Ctrl-Break
Hyperterminal IBM Compatible Windows 2000 Ctrl-Break
Hyperterminal IBM Compatible Windows 98 Ctrl-Break
Hyperterminal (version 595160) IBM Compatible Windows 95 Ctrl-F6-Break
Kermit Sun Workstation UNIX Ctrl-l
MicroPhone Pro IBM Compatible Windows Ctrl-Break
Minicom IBM Compatible Linux Ctrl-a f
ProComm Plus IBM Compatible DOS or Windows Alt-b
SecureCRT IBM Compatible Windows Ctrl-Break
Telix IBM Compatible DOS Ctrl-End
Telnet N/A N/A Ctrl-], then type send brk
Telnet to Cisco IBM Compatible N/A Ctrl-]
Teraterm IBM Compatible Windows Alt-b
Terminal IBM Compatible Windows Break
Tip Sun Workstation UNIX Ctrl-], then Break or Ctrl-c
VT 100 Emulation Data General N/A F16
Windows NT IBM Compatible Windows Break-F5
Shift-6 Shift-4 Shift-b (^$B)
Z-TERMINAL Mac Apple Command-b
N/A Break-Out Box N/A Connect pin 2 (X-mit) to +V for half a second
Cisco to aux port N/A Control-Shft-6, then b
IBM Compatible N/A Ctrl-Break

Control Break Cisco Putty

Tips to Troubleshoot

  • Problems that you encounter during password recovery often occur because you are not sure about what the break key sequence is for the (non-Cisco) software you use. For software not listed in the table, and for additional information, refer to the documentation of the individual software packages.

  • The auxiliary (AUX) port is not active during the boot sequence of a router. Therefore, it is no use if you send a break through the AUX port. You need to have connection to the console port, and have these settings:

    9600 baud rate

    No parity

    8 data bits

    1 stop bit

    No flow control

  • Some versions of Windows NT have hyperterminal software that cannot send the correct break key signal. Refer to for more information and for an upgrade of the hyperterminal software.

  • In some cases, the break sequence might not get transmitted properly when using a USB/Serial converter cable. In such cases, use a keyboard with a different connector port (for example, a PS/2).

How to Simulate a Break Key Sequence

Break key sequence simulation is useful if your terminal emulator does not support the break key, or if a bug does not allow your terminal emulator to send the correct signal.

Note: The hyperterminal under Windows NT had this behavior in the past.

Complete these steps to simulate a break key sequence:

  1. Connect to the router with these terminal settings:

    1200 baud rate

    No parity

    8 data bits

    1 stop bit

    No flow control

    You no longer see any output on your screen, and this is normal.

  2. Power cycle (switch off and then on) the router and press the SPACEBAR for 10-15 seconds in order to generate a signal similar to the break sequence.

  3. Disconnect your terminal, and reconnect with a 9600 baud rate. You enter the ROM Monitor mode.

If all these methods fail to properly send a break, retry the procedures from a different terminal or PC platform.

Control Break On Mac Cisco

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